Accessibility statement
We strive to make this website or mobile application accessible. The accessibility statement is required under the Bremen Equal Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Act (Bremisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz). The technical requirements for accessibility are derived from BITV 2.0. This digital accessibility statement applies to the website.
How accessible is the offering?
This offering is essentially accessible. It largely meets the requirements of BITV 2.0.
Which areas are not accessible?
1. Barrier: PDF
Description: Not all PDFs on the website are accessible.
Measures: When creating new PDFs, we ensure they are designed to be accessible.
2. Barrier: Videos
Description: For synchronized media, there is currently no alternative that makes the entire content accessible.
Measures: In the future, transcripts will be provided for new videos.
When and how was the accessibility statement created?
This statement was created on November 25, 2024.
The technical review of accessibility was conducted by:
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research.
Would you like to report barriers?
We would like to continuously improve our offering. Please share any problems or questions regarding digital accessibility with us at:
Contact the Central Office for Accessible Information Technology
If your contact with the public authority was not successful, you may reach out to the Central Office for Accessible Information Technology. They also provide additional information on enforcement.